Friday, September 09, 2005

"When the music changes, so does the dance"

Finally, a "day-away".
These happen once a week. I've been enjoying some down time, which included a run/walk (who am I kidding?) this morning and a bike ride into the village of Whycocomagh this afternoon.
My visit should only technically last until this Wednesday, and after that I'll be able to get into the full swing of things - learning routines and taking part in day programs!

Some things I've learned after being here for only 4 days...

- "Home" isn't a place that has to develop. Sometimes is just exists. Sometimes it just means that you're in the right place at the right time.
- 18 year old German boys are stubborn. This is not a generalization, this is fact.
- 18 year old German boys that are only children and grow up with their parents in an apartment in Berlin don't know how to do laundry, or cook, or clean.
- Love doesn't have a time limit.
- Love at first sight doesn't have to necessarily have anything to do with romance
- We all have a lot of things to learn.

For some lovely pictures from PEI - check out my sister's blog Keep the Faith on the side bar.



Matt Tozer said...

that is an interesting list of things to learn.... miss you too.

Haley said...

I suppose I mean that I fell in love with some of the core members from the moment I met them.
AND - the love that the assistant here possess for the core members is like nothing I've ever seen.