Friday, December 16, 2005

"Home is not where you live, but where they understand you..."

Today I arrived home.
Now lately, home has been a fairly vague word. Is it where we grew up? Is it where our parents live? Is it where our stuff is? Is it where the people we love are?
Right now, home is simply where I need to be.
I didn't plan to be in PEI for Christmas this year, but some unfortunate circumstances have lead to my arrival. I made the decision that for my first Christmas away from home, this was not to be the one.
So, last night, after a delicious pre-Christmas Christmas dinner, gifts from the L'Arche community and my Christmas angel (who just happened to be Maggie Sutherland!) I packed my bags. This morning I caught a shuttle to Truro, met my sister Alana and we made the trek to the Island.
We erected our 14 foot Christmas tree, which may now be a little shorter as the result of its run in with a chainsaw and my father, decorated and enjoyed the view.
As soon as the camera is charged, I'll take some pictures to share.

For now, I'll leave you with a quotation from our friend Oliver Wendell Holmes on what he considered home - what is home to you?

"Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts."

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