We had a physiotherapist come in at the end of September and give us (and by "us" I mean "me") some hints on how to move with Angela in order to avoid back injury.
Now, I feel like we're dancing all the time...
After my return, I had two days to regroup and then headed off on community vacations with a 15 passenger wheelchair van and 5 other traveling companions.
I'm currently in a hotel room in Cape Breton as Angela's "date" and personal assistant.
However, while I'd like to be musing on the adventures/misadventures of my travels and what I love about being home, I have much heavier topics on my mind.
First, I encourage you to read my sister's most recent blog entry : keepthefaithgowithgod.blogspot.com
The recent events in Israel and Lebanon leave me with a very heavy heart and a lot of disappointment in an International community whose actions are dictated by one "puppetmaster" nation.
If I see or hear Condoleeza Rice once more, I might become physically ill.