Sunday, February 10, 2008

Paris. 1 Jour.

(In point form, because I couldn't find a cybercafe yesterday!)

-Longest line EVER for the RER from the airport.

-Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful.

-Great hotel (thanks for the recommendation Melissa!)

-As per many of my travels, I walked and walked and walked.

-St. Eustache

-La Louvre (just the outside, because they say that you need 9 months straight to see the entire museum)

-Champs d'Elysses (where I sat on a bench to eat a baguette and was accosted by a Parisian Jehovah's witness. 'Do you know Jesus?' she asked. 'Yes' I replied. 'Do you read the bible?' 'Yes' I replied. 'Do you know that one of God's names is Jehovah?' 'Yes' I replied. 'Au revoir' she said. I suppose I wasn't a very good audience for her)

-bought a mobile phone. Ooooh!! Now I have a mobile phone from Paris!!

-L'Arc de Triomphe (of course, I didn't go to the top, because I would have had to pass back by the guy selling paintings who tried to hit on me the first time through)

-and then I wandered (that's usually my favourite part)

I had walked all the way from the 1eme rondissement to the 17eme. Then I took the metro to Montmartre, looked at Sacre Coeur from a distance, wandered a bit more, and headed back to my hotel.

As usual, the most interesting part of the first day was all of the people I met. Parisians who helped me find my way, corrected my pronounciation of 'tartelette aux framboises',

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